We have created a target set of training materials for the Music Aptitude Test in conjunction with music technology experts. These sample tests are created in line with the MAT syllabus and will help you prepare for the test. Our test materials Blank test sheets and answers are available to download on our dedicated Music Aptitude Test web site.
Perpetuum Mobile: This is one of my favourite piano pieces – it looks deceptively tricky, especially due to the wacky time signatures, but once you get the perpetual motion working, it’s not too hard. The challenging bit is where both hands have the same melody at the same time – have fun working out what fingers to use to make this legato! The piece is around Grade 2 – 3 as an indication of difficulty. Keep your wrists loose and flexible whilst playing this piece – don’t lock your wrist and try to reach the notes without letting your hand move freely around the keys.
Here is the original version of the piece by the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, written by Simon Jeffes:
My transcription is only available to my piano students.