Music Aptitude Test: Hackney New School

We have been asked by a few parents about the Music Aptitude Test for the Hackney New School. This does not use the 60-question MAT test but instead uses the system listed below:

Music Aptitude Tests 17 October 2015

Hackney New School have designed a process that offers the fairest assessment of all students, those who have not yet benefited from formal musical training and those who have. The process is structured in such a way as to enable the fairest possible evaluation of the musical potential of each student. The students are assessed by a team of 3 professional assessors.

Stage 1: Group Exercise

A 90 minute group activity during which each student is individually assessed on a series of graded tasks testing key rhythmic, lyrical, compositional and creative skills. Starting with a warm-up, students are taken through a series of activities which rigorously tests their musical skills, talents and abilities in both a group and individual context. These exercises enable talented individuals with no musical training to excel as well as those who have already begun learning instruments and music theory thus ensuring a fair and thorough approach for everyone. This approach breaks down barriers and tests the students’ ability to communicate, develop, learn and invest in their musical learning and performance skills as well as being enjoyable and stimulating, thus assisting each student to shine whilst revealing true talent. Assessors mark each activity to a standardized format.

Stage 2: Individual Performance

Each student performs a short piece (no more than 3 minutes) for individual assessment

  • Students choose to perform on instrument or voice
  • Those who have not prepared in advance will work with the activity leaders to prepare a piece so that they are not excluded from the individual audition process.

Author: Lorraine Liyanage

Owner of the SE22 Piano School in East Dulwich. Founder and Director of the Dulwich Music Festival. Piano teacher based in East Dulwich since 2007.

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