Practising the Piano

Practising the Piano

Graham Fitch, adjudicator for the 2013 Dulwich Piano Festival has just released an interactive e-Book on the subject of Practising the Piano. We think this is a great resource for students of all ages to help you understand how to get the most out of your daily practice session. Graham writes:

Playing the piano is not easy – if it were, surely everyone would want to do it? We know that to succeed as a pianist requires practice, and lots of it. But how do we practise? What exactly do we need to do day by day to reach our goals? There are many books on piano playing, but surprisingly few that deal with the art of practising. Given the amount of time an aspiring pianist needs to spend at the instrument on a regular basis, it is surely very important to know exactly what to do, and how to make the best use of this time. Practising The Piano is an interactive series of ebooks on the subject of practising directed at serious students of the piano of all ages. It will be as useful for the advanced player as for the intermediate level, and will be of special interest to piano teachers. It will equip you with specific tools to help you every step of the way, and give you concrete skills to learn pieces, solve problems, memorise, and much more. You’ll notice real results in your playing – guaranteed!

Click here for more information on Part 1 of the series (The Practice Tools).

Dulwich Piano Festival

Dulwich Piano Festival

The deadline has now passed for the 2013 Dulwich Piano Festival. Audience members are welcome to attend the event. The entry fee on the door is £1. The event takes place on Sunday 23 June at the Lanchbery Rehearsal Rooms, Alleyn’s School, Townley Road, East Dulwich.

We have over 100 pianists competing in the festival including classes for adults, many classes for beginners, duet classes, a harpsichord class and a Concerto class.

The 2013 adjudicators are Graham Fitch and Frances Wilson.
