Mill Hill County High School 2014 Entry Stats Music Aptitude places

Mill Hill County High School: Information about the 2014/15 admission process

There were 1006 applications for 240 places.
364 children were auditioned for 24 Musical Aptitude places.

You can prepare for the Music Aptitude Tests by using the following specimen tests that are indicative of the style of test used:


The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School 2017 Entry Criteria Music Aptitude Tests

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Proposed changes to the admission arrangements for The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School for the academic year of entry 2017/2018

Year 7: To use a single music aptitude test, rather than the current arrangements which employ two tests.

You can prepare for the Music Aptitude Tests by using the following specimen tests that are indicative of the style of test used:

Music Aptitude Test: St Mary’s & St John’s CE School

St Mary’s & St John’s CE Secondary School: Up to 18 Performing Arts Scholarships are offered each year to pupils who can demonstrate a specific aptitude for instrumental or choral music, dance or drama.

You can prepare for the Music Aptitude Tests by using the following specimen tests that are indicative of the style of test used:
