Winter Recital Repertoire

Nb. This is an Archive Post containing out of date information.

The SE22 Piano School Winter Recital takes place on Saturday 24 February at St. Barnabas Parish Hall in Dulwich Village. This week we will be choosing the pieces that you will play at the event. Do ensure you book your ticket are there are limited spaces available:

Colm: Air in Atalanta, Handel (arr. Clementi)
Miranda: Fifi on the Moon (Duet with Boo), Pop Looks Bach (Sam Fonteyn)
Oliver: Por Una Cabeza, Dreaming Lake
Edie: 2 team pieces (Matsuri & one TBC)
Boo: Fifi on the Moon (Duet with Miranda)
Alexander: Pirates of the Caribbean or Coldplay TBC

Alex to send her list of pieces for her Monday students.

